Career development and exploration:
- Diversifying Health Professions Education (D’HoPE): A week long healthcare careers program held at UBC each August for high school students who identify as rural, first-generation university students, Disabled, Indigenous, Black and people of colour, economically disadvantaged, and 2SLGBTQIAP+. ReMBC has partnered with D’HoPE to provide funding to ReMBC participants who need financial help in order to attend the program; contact us to receive funding.
- Virtual Healthcare Roadshow: healthcare career snapshots and videos.
- PostSecondaryBC: Find the BC-based post-secondary institution that’s going to open up the right doors in your future.
- Reach U: a resource for students, teachers, counsellors, parents and institutions to understand rural education access in British Columbia.
- KAST (Kootenay Association for Science and Technology): Tech, business and science opportunities in the Kootenay area.
- Verna J. Kirkness Education Foundation: offering scholarships to Indigenous students in grades 11 and 12 to spend a week at a Canadian university interacting and learning with professors and their team.
- UBC’s Summer Science Program: A one-week cultural, health and science program at UBC for Indigenous students in grades 9-12. Deadline to apply is May 1st.
- UBC Physics Circle: invites high school students (grades 10–12) to listen to a lecture and then ask questions.
Information about college/university pathways and programs:
- Medical School at UBC: Applicants from eligible underrepresented groups are invited to apply through one of the following admissions pathways.
- Pharmacy School at UBC: Applicants from BC rural communities and Indigenous applicants are given interview priority and special consideration for admission.
- Pathways to Medical Careers for Indigenous Students
- Pathways to Medical Careers for Black Students
Other mentoring programs and resources:
- MentorCanada: a coalition of organizations that provide youth mentoring.
- Medicine Cousins: for grade 11 and 12 students and post-secondary students to be paired with a current Indigenous medical student mentor.
- IMPulse: Indigenous Mentorship Program for Indigenous high school students to provide them with an opportunity to develop meaningful relationships with role models at the university who understand their cultural history, and to experience elements of university campus first-hand.
- Fostering Science: for youth in or from care (eg. foster care, group homes) interested in doing science fair projects with the help of a mentor.