- Tsow Tun Le Lum: Phone 1-888-403-3123 to access the following cultural supports Levi Martin, James Quatell and Mike Kelly
- Indian Residential School Survivors Society (IRSSS): Phone 1-800-721-0066 or 604-985-4464 to access the following cultural supports: Sadie McPhee, Gertie Pierre or Yvonne Rigby Jones. Emotional mental health and counselling services will be accessible from the IRSSS Resolution Health Support Workers.
- First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness Help Line and On-line Counselling Service: toll-free at 1-855-242-3310 or through hopeforwellness.ca
- The Metis Crisis Line: available 24 hours a day: 1-833-638-4722
Support via online chat
- Crisis Centre BC online chat (available noon – 1 AM PST in BC and YK)
- https://www.hopeforwellness.ca/(24 hours)
- Here2Talk (24 hours)
Other mental health support resources (for all ages):
- Mental Health Information Line: 310-6789 (no area code needed)
- Here to Help (mental health and substance use resources)
- QMUNITY counselling services
Other culturally safe supports:
- FNHA Virtual Doctor of the Day
- Indian Residential School Survivors Society
- Tsow-Tun Le Lum Society
- FNHA Virtual Substance Use & Psychiatry Service
Services covered by First Nations Health Benefits:
- Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Support Program – 1-877-477-0775
- Mental Health & Wellness Counselling in BC – https://www.fnha.ca/benefits/mental-health o Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women & Girls Health Support Services – 1-855-550-5454
- Suicide prevention toolkit
Vancouver Aboriginal Health Society – ONE-TO-ONE & GROUP COUNSELLING
Schedule a talking session with an Elder or Knowledge Keeper. All scheduled appointment time frames are up to 60 minutes.
- Chief Bill Williams, Elder and Hereditary Chief (Squamish)
- Eugene Harry (XiQuelum), Elder and Spiritual Worker (Malahat, Cowichan, Lummi, Squamish)
- Nina Thomas, Elder (Carrier)
- Ruby Harry (Nunitsi), Knowledge Keeper (Tsilhqoxt’in)
- Michael Guimond, Knowledge Keeper (Ojibway/Anishinaabe)
We can also offer smudging/brushing and prayers before, during, and after talking sessions.
Our group is culturally diverse and open to all cultures.
To book an appointment with an Elder or Knowledge Keeper:
Contact: Jackie Hans, Cultural Coordinator
Email: culturalcoordinator@vahs.life
Phone: (604) 254-9949 ext. 228